Wednesday 19 December 2012

People ?

Assalamualaikum :)

Haiii :) Hahaha . People ni , macam-macam ragam kan ? Adaa yg baik , ada yg jahat . Even ada juga yang depan baik belakang taik , depan taik belakang baik :)

All I can say is , NORMAL LETTEW :p Hahaha

And orang yang paling baik di duniaa pun indaa kenaa sukaa , you knoww that ? :) Hehehe . Tp kitaa kasi biar jaa laa . Sometimes , the less we care the less we get hurt kan ? So , just let it beee :)

Lama-lama orang diamm jugaaa :) Hehehe .

Love . Hugs . Kisses .

Bell :)

Being a Pinoy for 5 days :)

Haiii world !

Well , I am totally enjoying being a Pinoy for 3 days already :) Well , Pinoy is the same with Malaysians , Australians , etc . But Pinoy is for Philipines :) Hahaha . Having a great time with my beloved family here . For 5 days . And will be back to Malaysia this Friday , in sha Allah :) 

Well , saya shopping serious xingat duniaaa kat sini . Well sangat murah ! Damn murah and OMG , no words can best describe the prices of the things here ! Emm , ofcourse lahh , banyak jugaa yang mahal . Tp mostly yang dekat Malaysia harga dia cekik darah yang mau beli pun bfikir 10 kali , but here , OMG , senyum-senyum just hulur tuuu duit :3 Waaawwwh !


Love . Hugs . Kisses .

Bell :)

Thursday 13 December 2012

Farizal Marlias :)

Assalamualaikum :)

HAHA , this is Farizal Marlias :)
PHOTO : Credits to Azrit Smith sebab tolong edit :)

Okayy , he's not my boyfriend or even my friend :P Because dia xkenal sayaa :) But the whole Malaysia knew him . He's our most beloved and number 1 goalkeeper ! For Malaysia's team , HARIMAU MALAYA :)

Well , sy pun xtauu why I got sooooo attracted with this guy , well most of the girls (esp) dorang lebih sukaa dekat Khairul Fahmi , goalkeeper dulu :P Tp entahh , sy xrasa pun sy minat kat diaa . But this Farizal , OMG ! Hahaha , because of this guy , sy dahh pandai tengok bolaa and emo-emo pasal bolaa ni ! LOL :)
Entahh , sy tegok cara dia sambut bolaa kan , wow , breath-catching moment ! Hahaha . Memang sy rasaaa dia ni cukupppppppp hebat ! And sngt smart time dia main . 

Well , some people kalau diaa jadi fanatik sngt dekat someone tuu , dia akan tauu asal diaa , full name , umur   , bdayy and all about orang yg dorang minat tuu , tp saya , sy just tauuu nama dia ni Farizal Marlias :) That's all ! Hahaha , and jersi diaa numbe 1 . LOL . Hahaha , and yg lain xtauuu dah . HOHOHO . Mksudnyaa , sy mmg minat dia dlm padang laah :) And diaa sngt-sngt cool ! :) Well , and his face , handsome kan ? Hahaha , okay okay , sy ni mmg gilaa sikit kalau mukaa handsome ni :p LOL . Tp 1 jaaak sy harap and I wish sangat-sangat , sy harapp hati dia ni baikkk :) Andd he's someone yang jujur and baik laa . Haha , amin :) Baruu laah best kan tengok ? Dah laa handsome , famous and hati diaa pun baik . Wallahu'alam .

Hahaha , sy ni indaa pernah-pernah tengok bolaa , tp lepas nampak diaa ni , sy truss jadi minat . LOL . Hahaha , and ada g satu players Harimau Malaya yang sy sukaa tengok jugaa , AMAR ROHIDAN . Tuuu pun okayy jugaa , tp obviously sy minat diaa sebab mukaaa jaa . Hehehe , tp Farizal ni . Fuyoooooooh , hahaha :) Ok shut up bell .

LAST NIGHT TOURNAMENT : OMG , saat mukaa Farizal kena tendang , then I was like -..- What the freak are all these Elephant ! Kaki gajah mcm tuu tak layak di mukaa superstar mcm Farizal :) Cehh , mcm apaa jaak . Hahaha , even dia bagi duaa bolos semalam (I don't care pun tapi orang always pertikaikan benda tu) tp awesome game what ? Dia banyakkk laah sambut bola ! And it was amazing ! And 2 bolos tuu , for me mmg dah nasib , bukan rezeki kot dia nak sambut . And bukan salah diaa jugaak , maybe tlampauu tekejutt kalii , lost concentration and all . Normal laah , Farizal ni manusiaaa . Okay :) Tp gladly , masih ramai jugaa yang tetap sokong diaa even apa yg jd smlm tuu buat orang naik gilaa . Haha , I CRIED  MASA MUKAA DIA KENA TENDANG ! Hahaha , time tuu sy rsaa kesian gilaa tengok mukaa diaa , diaa dah tahan bolaa tuuu as best as he could and it wasss OHHHSEMM ~ Hehehe . 

Haha , okayy enough merepek about this :) Hanyaa sekadar ingin berkongsi minat and just imagine bilaa one day I got a chance to meet him ! Hahaha ! It would be a pleasure :3 Tp I know and I realized yang bjutaa lg Malaysians out there yang minat diaa jugaa , haha . Well , I'm a big fan for him :) To Farizal (Cehhh mcm diaa baca blog saya jaa) *Tp its okayy berangan kan ? WKWKWKWKWK ! Good luck for your next tournament ! Have a happy life :) Hehehe 

OMG , serious saya minat diaa . I adore everything about him .

Love . Hugs . Kisses .

Bell :)

Wednesday 12 December 2012

This 12.12.12

Assalamualaikum :)

Hey world . Have this 12/12/12 completely change my life ? 
I felt like I've flipped through a new page of my life :)

Well , today , I hangout with them :) #Precious people in my life . And I've shared few things about what I've been through now . And they're such a good adviser and somehow , it calms me down :') Ya laa , saya sedih jaa selama ni . Biar laa , sy juat malas mau fkir semuaa bendaa yang shouldn't be an issue in my life :P Mmg betul dorang ckp , 'Kawan yang baik ialah mereka yang mempertahankan' :) Sy malas mau cakap banyak , if sampai bila2 orang tetap mau tuding jari dekat saya , I don't care . Biar laah one day Allah tunjuk :) 

Sometimes , kita just perlu pandang kehadapan kan ? Hehehe . And try to careless and it'll make you hurt less . And that's what I do . And now , I finally feel relief , SIKIT . Tp sy ttap bersyukur :) Bukan senang kan mau rasa tenang tu ? Haha , yaa laa sy mmg sedih . Tp apa boleh buat , mau sya pegy melutut cium kaki dia ? So not me , sorry :)

And to all yang buat sy rasa masih ada sebab utk truskan , thanks :) A LOT . Without you maybe nnty sy jd tmbh tekanan with this and that -.- Hmm . And even ada yang masih marah dekat sy tu , I don't care lahh , nnty sejuk juga kmu tuu . Mcm my baby ckp 'Anjing yang menyalak lama2 penat juga' Betul laa kan ? So , let time heals everything . Im just go on with the flow :)

Ada orang mengamuk ckp orang BABI ? Wow hebat mulut boy . Kau tu perfect kaa ? Well , KAU TU BUKAN TUHAN UNTUK AKU TAKUTKAN . Faham ? Kau buat orang ketawaa laa baca ap yg kau ckp tuu budak ! Hmm , biar laa kau , ckp laa apa jak pun yang buat kau happy . Ckp org mcm tu , mcm kau indaa . Mau bukti kaa sayang ? Pfffffttt -..- Nasib laa aku xkat skola tu lg :) Malas nak fikir baby ~

Well , apapun sy rasa today , this beautiful day , this last triple date , sya rsa sedikit-sebanyak bagi nafas baru dalam hidup saya :) Thanks ! And yaa , perfect life bukan mksudnyaa teda cacat celaa or probs , it shows that life's not perfect kan ? :) At least ada walau sikit . I am grateful . 

Dear 12/12/12 , thanks :)

Love . Hugs . Kisses .

Bell :) 

Saturday 8 December 2012

Life :3

Assalamualaikum and Hi

Haha . Life's always have its up and down kan ? So do mine :3

Kena benci ? Kena umpat ? Kena marah ?

Any other ? Semuaaaa tuu , I've been through :) See , I'm still alive :D
Well , even though kena benci or kena marah , sometimes for me it's a gift . Ya laa , then we'll know apa yg kita buat salah . Kan ? Kita mana salah dan silap kita .


Kan ? Betul indaa ? Hahaha . Ya laa , mmg sedih . Tp kita kena ingat jugaa , sedih tuu just sementaraa . Mcm tuu juga HAPPY (: Dlm hidup ni , semuaaa sementara . Forever is a total lie :3 Semuaaaaaaaaa tu just kejappp jak . Jd , kalau kita tengah sedih , try lahhh cari mana silap kita tu . Sbb org takkan mrah if kita xbuat salah . Am I right ? Yaa , time tu kita akan nangis . It's normal (: Nangis doesn't mean yang kita ni lemaahh , its just that , we've been strong for so long already . Sebab tuu lah . Sebab semuaa orang ada batas dlm hidup diaa kan ? Temper , jealousy and etc semuaa tu ada limit . And it's normal laah if orng mrah kita , kita marah org . Tu lumrah kehidupan :D 

Sometimes jga , kita tau tu slah kitaa . Tp bila kita try mau perbetulkan keadaan , semuaaa mcm -.- There are always some or at least even 1 , individual yang susah mau trima benda tu . Ya laa , for example , mcm slama ni they put their whole trust on you , tp bilaa skali you made a wrong step , her trust crumpled so bad and of course , susah utk dia trima semuaa tu . It's normal . Give them times :) To think and to cool down . Klau makin dpaksa , nanti lain tu jadi . Boleh jd gaduh berabis , musuh gilaa . Nnty dr best friend , jd musuh . Memang time tu , kita akn rsa sedih and down gilaa . Heee , normal bh tu sayang (: Semua orang akan melalui benda yg sama . Semua org akan rsa , at least once dlm hdup diaa .

Then , bilaaa semua tu salah faham , try to convince them . Tell them the truth . Tp klau bnda yg sma jd , dorang xmau dengar , xlayan and all . Let them be . Sbb , if mmg kita inda salah , one day Allah akan tunjuk jugaa . Allah maha adil :) Cehhhh , tp true what right ? Hehe . If org indaa mau , kita teda hak mau paksaaa . Jd just chill maaaa . InsyaAllah , time heals everything . 

Orang selalu ckp , 

*Lek , tunggu dia sejuk dulu .
*Normal laah tu , marah .
*Ada hikmah ni , sabar jak laa .
*Go and talk to them and tell them everything .
*Live your life to the fullest bha .

Hahaha , banyak sngt pendapat org , see , bnyk org lg yg akan help you get up and cheer up your life . Sometimes jgaa , we must pretend like we're okayy :) Jgn annoy org dgn mslah kitaa , dorang adaa life jugaa :D Be the strongest girl on earth ;

*The strongest girl is who can smile and laugh in the morning like she never cry last night . 
*The strongest girl is the one who still got tears in her eyes but still able to say "naah , I'm okay"

Memang susah . Tp it's life ! Dlm hidup ni , tiada yang senang . Kerjaa pun susahh , study pun susahh . We've been in many phases in life :) Hahaha . Life is short so , make it counts !

Sy always pgg something that someone had taught me few months ago ,

'Always forgive everyone before you go to sleep'

Haha , bukan senang , tp cubaa try :3 Jujur nyaaa , until noww (dr dulu) ada satu kwn sy ni , sy pun indaa brapa dgn diaa . Benci ? Entahhh , tp sesak tuu yes :) Hahaha . Sy nda tau napa , ap yg dia buat dulu tu , smpai skg sy blum boleh trimaaa . Jujur nyaa lah . Emm , even semuaa tu sudah blalu almost years already . Tp sy maafkan diaa , but i'll never forget laa yg pnting . Skg ni pun sy layan diaa biasaa jaa . Dia baik , sy baik lah :D Hahaha . If sy benci mana pun org tuu , if dia tegur sy baik2 , sy layan dia baik2 laa . Xkan mau sy maki2 diaa kan ? Haha , dia xcari pasal bhaa . And my mum taught me dr kecil , if org baik sma kita , kita baik laa sma org tuu , if org tuu kita inda suka . Haha , yaaa , mmg sy umpat org belakang2 . Semuaa manusia pun kan ? Normal laa :3 Hahaha , and bilaaa dpn org yg sy umpat tu mmg pulaa sy sesak . Tp if dia tegur sy baik2 , sometimes sy boleh lupaa jugaa dgn bnda yg sy umpat tu kan ? Hahaha . Yaa laa , mmg nda baik pun sifat ni . Nmanyaaa hipokrit . Tp entahhh laa , mmg sy mcm ni kali sudahh :) Ya laa , no one's perfect kan ? I've found this :

Try to accept others weaknesses like others are accepting yours .

Kita indaa tau apa klemahan and kburukan dlm diri kitaa smpaii laa ad org yg bgtau , and semua yg pnah bgtau sy tu , thanks :D Hahaha . And semuaa org ad kburukan yg mmg dia inda boleh ubah sudaa , jd kita try laah trima jak . Mmg laah susahh , tp lama2 nnty , okay juga tuu . just ingat jaa la , kita ne pun ad kburukan sndiri , and org pun try accept jugaa sjaa kan ? Jd , kita pun mcm tu laa . Hahah

Okayy , enough talking nonsence . Just finished reading an article , jd tiba-tiba tringin mau tulis benda ni . LOL . Hehehe :D

Love . Hugs . Kisses .

Bell :) 

Thursday 6 December 2012

This one should be shared :)

Assalamualaikum and Hi :)


Professor : You are a Muslim, aren’t you, son ?

Student : Yes, sir.

Professor: So, you believe in GOD ?

Student : Absolutely, sir.

Professor : Is GOD good ?

Student : Sure.

Professor: Is GOD all powerful ?

Student : Yes.

Professor: My brother died of cancer even though he prayed to GOD to heal him. Most of us would attempt to help others who are ill. But GOD didn’t. How is this GOD good then? Hmm?

(Student was silent.)

Professor: You can’t answer, can you ? Let’s start again, young fella. Is GOD good?

Student : Yes.

Professor: Is satan good ?

Student : No.

Professor: Where does satan come from ?

Student : From … GOD …

Professor: That’s right. Tell me son, is there evil in this world?

Student : Yes.

Professor: Evil is everywhere, isn’t it ? And GOD did make everything. Correct?

Student : Yes.

Professor: So who created evil ?

(Student did not answer.)

Professor: Is there sickness? Immorality? Hatred? Ugliness? All these terrible things exist in the world, don’t they?

Student : Yes, sir.

Professor: So, who created them ?

(Student had no answer.)

Professor: Science says you have 5 Senses you use to identify and observe the world around you. Tell me, son, have you ever seen GOD?

Student : No, sir.

Professor: Tell us if you have ever heard your GOD?

Student : No , sir.

Professor: Have you ever felt your GOD, tasted your GOD, smelt your GOD? Have you ever had any sensory perception of GOD for that matter?

Student : No, sir. I’m afraid I haven’t.

Professor: Yet you still believe in Him?

Student : Yes.

Professor : According to Empirical, Testable, Demonstrable Protocol, Science says your GOD doesn’t exist. What do you say to that, son?

Student : Nothing. I only have my faith.

Professor: Yes, faith. And that is the problem Science has.

Student : Professor, is there such a thing as heat?

Professor: Yes.

Student : And is there such a thing as cold?

Professor: Yes.

Student : No, sir. There isn’t.

(The lecture theatre became very quiet with this turn of events.)

Student : Sir, you can have lots of heat, even more heat, superheat, mega heat, white heat, a little heat or no heat. But we don’t have anything called cold. We can hit 458 degrees below zero which is no heat, but we can’t go any further after that. There is no such thing as cold. Cold is only a word we use to describe the absence of heat. We cannot measure cold. Heat is energy. Cold is not the opposite of heat, sir, just the absence of it.

(There was pin-drop silence in the lecture theater.)

Student : What about darkness, Professor? Is there such a thing as darkness?

Professor: Yes. What is night if there isn’t darkness?

Student : You’re wrong again, sir. Darkness is the absence of something. You can have low light, normal light, bright light, flashing light. But if you have no light constantly, you have nothing and its called darkness, isn’t it? In reality, darkness isn’t. If it is, were you would be able to make darkness darker, wouldn’t you?

Professor: So what is the point you are making, young man ?

Student : Sir, my point is your philosophical premise is flawed.

Professor: Flawed ? Can you explain how?

Student : Sir, you are working on the premise of duality. You argue there is life and then there is death, a good GOD and a bad GOD. You are viewing the concept of GOD as something finite, something we can measure. Sir, Science can’t even explain a thought. It uses electricity and magnetism, but has never seen, much less fully understood either one. To view death as the opposite of life is to be ignorant of the fact that death cannot exist as a substantive thing.

Death is not the opposite of life: just the absence of it. Now tell me, Professor, do you teach your students that they evolved from a monkey?

Professor: If you are referring to the natural evolutionary process, yes, of course, I do.

Student : Have you ever observed evolution with your own eyes, sir?

(The Professor shook his head with a smile, beginning to realize where the argument was going.)

Student : Since no one has ever observed the process of evolution at work and cannot even prove that this process is an on-going endeavor. Are you not teaching your opinion, sir? Are you not a scientist but a preacher?

(The class was in uproar.)

Student : Is there anyone in the class who has ever seen the Professor’s brain?

(The class broke out into laughter. )

Student : Is there anyone here who has ever heard the Professor’s brain, felt it, touched or smelt it? No one appears to have done so. So, according to the established Rules of Empirical, Stable, Demonstrable Protocol, Science says that you have no brain, sir. With all due respect, sir, how do we then trust your lectures, sir?

(The room was silent. The Professor stared at the student, his face unfathomable.)

Professor: I guess you’ll have to take them on faith, son.

Student : That is it sir … Exactly ! The link between man & GOD is FAITH. That is all that keeps things alive and moving.


I believe you have enjoyed the conversation. And if so, you’ll probably want your friends / colleagues to enjoy the same, won’t you?

Forward this to increase their knowledge … or FAITH.

Love . Hugs . Kisses .

Bell :)

Wednesday 5 December 2012

Is it true ? :O

Hai :)

Once more , those love bug of mine try to poke-poke my fragile heart :D 

Nowadays , most of the boys are choosing their 'love' based on their looks . Haha . No , I'm serious okay . Well to be honest I don't have those . But its not that I'm saying I can't get married ! Hell no ! Chill ~ The purpose I'm saying this is , some girls out there are being too sarcastic about being in a relationship . Hey girl , love is like a butterfly you know . The more you chase it the more it fly away . Why don't you just stand still and in a fine time , it will come approach you and stays there on purpose . See ? 

Well , being honest again . I hate to see those desperate ladies who are try their very best just to avoid them from being single . To ease your understanding , they always wanted to have a boy friend and being single is not even an option ! What happen to most beautiful ladies these days ? Well , I know I shouldn't think or even cares about people's life . But , all the post , the status and even the tweets have drag me this vomiting phase ! 

*Oh , I'm so lonely :( I feel like dying .

*I'm jealous of them who are in a relationship . So happy and loving .

*I want to have a boy friend !

*Life is useless without my love .

Hey hey hey ladies ! Who said so ? -.- Have you sneak a peak on the other girls who have been single for so long ? Did you ask them ? Well , I'm being single for so long already and hell I'm enjoying my life sometimes even happier than those loving birds . Haha . Well hunny , you don't have to create your own dramas for your own show . Show lasts . Just live with your life in sincere and try to enjoy it . Sometimes , life is more easier when you are alone . And , sometimes it may teach you on how to appreciate those who came in your life with a genuine heart instead of a sugar coated fake people right ? When you're alone , it will make you realized the weakness you have and will guide you to overcome it . 

Allah have planned something that is much better ahead :) Just be patience and take a baby-step on the path that you are walking and don't let yourself astray .

I can't deny the jealousy felt when I saw those loving birds who seems happy each other . But most of the times , I console myself by saying "Hey , yours is ahead . Just wait" then InsyaAllah , I'll be back to normal :)

The difference between couple and friends .

Couple - He's completely yours . You can be a queen-control just because you love and care of your relationship . You can share all your tears and laughter with him . But have you ever think about 

*How long will be together ? 

*Until when is your forever ?

Well , people make mistakes . All the time . So sometimes , even a small fight could turn into a huge breakups right ? Once you get back together AGAIN , everything's change . The feelings , the moods or even the expression have change :) Haha . That is why most of the couples have made their way out of this madness and just try on a new thing instead . Soon after , cheating , finger-pointing and all other bullshits will be accompanying that once-a-sweet-relationship and it will end up to breakup . And lastly , it will sever the ties of friendship . They'll end up being somebody that they used to know ~

*Hehe . I just burst out this words doesn't mean couple is not good :P This is my blog then I can say whatever I want right ! To those who have the most lovable relationship you can go on with that . And I'll pray for your happiness :) LOL .

Friends - Well , friends are the important ingredients in the recipes of life ! I don't have much to talk about this . Love in a friendship is very loyal and sometimes its kinda cute because two people are falling in each other but they just keep those secret feels to tighten the bonds of their friendship . And why I'm saying this ? Friends are the person who knows almost everything about us , understands us and even if you're with him (friend) the whole time , it will not be a defamatory in the mouth of others instead of just having a short walk with your couples . But the tough part is when , you're in love with this friend of yours and you secretly thought he is too but one day he tells you about this girl who he has been admiring for a long time ago . It hurts . To tell you the truth , sometimes seeing the person we loved happy is the toughest love ever . You should be rewarded for having a tough heart .

All said and done . Live wisely :)

Love . Hugs . Kisses .

Bell :) 

This morning :)

Hello !

Well , I woke up kinda early than I used to :P So , I simply think about this one line on my head . 


LOL . Well , I switch on my laptop and then start surfing and surfing . And yeah I post this on purpose to tell the people about this one amazing thing that happened to me this morning . Okay , I'm joking . It's something that's not related to some thing . But it is to someone . This one boy who have been getting my attention since the first day I met him . Its not that I love him . NOOOOOOOO ! I am just , well seems to be liking his attitude . His manners . And hell yeah he got looks :D Seriously , I am not falling for him as I know that I am not the one for him . HAHA ! LOL . There's just so much differences between us . Okay ? Haha . And I don't even wanted him to be my boy or soul mate or what ever . He's too perfect for me ! 

Haha , okay . Just admiring him is much better for me :)

#Its okay for us to have someone who we like but knowing and confirming we'll not gonna be together . You can put you trust on me for that . Never :)

Love . Hugs . Kisses .
Bell :)

For you :)

Don't you get it ? I miss you precious :')

Love . Hugs . Kisses .

Bell :) 

Total Eclipse Of The Heart

Hey hey , check it out . One of my most favorite song babe ;)

Actually I don't really get the exact meaning of this song . But , pretending like I knew bout it so much :P Hahaha . All the lyrics are meaningful for my interpration :P Hehehe .

Love . Hugs . Kisses .

Bell :)

This world are full with fake . Everything is fake . And yes everything , even the people . Sick of them . Well a big HAHA for me cause sometimes I'm fake too :P But I am being damn honest , only to the people who make shit with me :) So beware of this typed of 'thing' haha .

Well , sometimes its a good thing to have this fake people in our life , it helps you to find who the real friends are :)

*Being quite crazy tonight .

Love . Hugs . Kisses .
Bell :)

Only the blog is new , not the person :)

Assalamualaikum and Hello :)

Yes , can't deny . For sure -.- Sometimes I felt like I should just quit but I am not that stupid :) So , I've to move on and pretend like I'm having a happy life like everyone did .

 *Sometimes it makes me think , do people make fake smile like I did ?

Life will get tougher when you don't have the medium for you to stay strong or move on . Well , for example like , your family , friends , lover ? Well , money do too . Sometimes . Its not money that I'm talking about tonight , its the other three 'mediums' that I've just said . 

Well , family . I have my family . Happy family and hell yeah I love them :) But it seems that I just can't get into them quite surely . Well , some do shares their sorrow , happiness with their Mum etc . But unfortunately not me :) Why ? I too don't have the answer for it . Trust ? I do trust my Mummy . And others do too . But sometimes I felt its not important to share it with her . Well probably I'm afraid that she'll burst it out when she's pissed with me :P Or I did something wrong maybe ? And she'll use it as the consequences -.- OMG . See , life's getting tough .

Friends . Oh , I have tonnes :) Well , best friends ? I am not a lonely girl though , so I do have . A few :) Well , I may easily got into people . *I am so talkative and friendly ? // IDK . But when it comes to declare them as best friend , I get stunned and it let me think . Deeper and deeper . Well , the answer is a clear NO . Its not because that I'm a choosy person , but its just that , I get easily touched - sensitive . Who could stand for a person like that right ? So , I just want someone who really understands me and accept me for who I am . When it comes to problems , *urgh . I got tonnes too ! But , its more cute if it have to stay secret allas to be left unknown :) 

Lover . Sucks . I hate this part actually . Having crush ? Well yeah I do . Who doesn't ? But sometimes I'm confused either to pick or him or him . Well , before you're making that silly face , I'm not as pretty as my other girl friends are , I'm just simple and nothing special to talk about :) So , I'm not saying that I have this all boys around me who tries to get me as their soul mate , girl friend or etc -.- *eew , did I just say that ? :P Its just that , I have this few boys who are always there for me . Well , sometimes I do felt I'm special to them :P   // truth right ? So , if . I repeat IF , I have to pick . I don't know -.- And sometimes , that J still appears on my mind you know . Oh seriously , its hard to get rid of it . But , I'm not saying that I still love him right ? To be honest , my heart is not owned by anyone - I think ? Well , Allah knows best .

Too much to think *sigh . Some things may go beyond my expectation .

Love . Hugs . Kisses .

Bell :)